We Become What We Behold

We Become What We Behold

Playing We Become What We Behold Game Online

We Become What We Behold is an online game developed by Nicky Case. The game is an interactive experience that explores the nature of media influence and how it shapes society’s behaviors and beliefs. In the game, players act as a photographer capturing people’s reactions to various events, and as the game progresses, the players witness how their images and the stories they capture influence the behavior of the characters in the game.


The gameplay of We Become What We Behold is simple yet thought-provoking. Players are presented with a series of randomly generated characters with different emotions and actions. The player’s goal is to take pictures of the characters and their interactions. The game then showcases these pictures and the reactions of the characters through headlines and news stories. As the game progresses, players witness how their images and the stories they capture influence the behavior and actions of the characters. This creates a powerful commentary on the nature of media influence and societal behaviors.


We Become What We Behold has gained attention for its thought-provoking and timely commentary on the influence of media and social behaviors. The game’s simple yet impactful gameplay has sparked discussions and critical thinking about the role of media in shaping societal beliefs and behaviors. Many players have found the game to be a powerful and eye-opening experience that prompts them to consider the impact of media on their own lives.

Online Play

We Become What We Behold is easily accessible for online play. Players can enjoy the game on various gaming platforms and websites. The game’s accessibility has allowed it to reach a wide audience and spark meaningful conversations about media influence and societal behaviors.


Playing We Become What We Behold is a thought-provoking and impactful experience that prompts players to consider the influence of media on societal behaviors. The game’s simple yet powerful gameplay has sparked discussions and critical thinking about the role of media in shaping beliefs and behaviors. By playing We Become What We Behold, players are given the opportunity to reflect on the impact of media on their own lives and the world around them.